jQuery photo carousel (that looks like a real carousel)? [closed]
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Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this questionI am on the lookout for a jQuery photo carousel that can display 3 images at a time, and circle through x amount of photos (and when reaching the last, starting with the first photo again).
I made a quick mock-up of what i am开发者_如何转开发 looking for:
So there is 3 photos vissible, the middle one beeing the 'main' one and a bit bigger than the previous and next (left and right). Upon clicking the next/previous arrows the next or previous photo slides into the middle and thereby becomes the main photo.
Any ideas to where i can find such a jQuery plugin/script?
UPDATED 3 Improved Version ( With Fancybox )
This is for the sake and for all people that asked me for that! ;)
DEMO: http://so.lucafilosofi.com/jquery-photo-carousel-that-looks-like-a-real-carousel/
This is for OP only:
UPDATED 2 - With ( Next Prev ) Buttons - DEMO: http://jsbin.com/iduyu
$(function() {
(function($) {
$.fn.carousel = function() {
// 5 minutes lightweight carousel
// Copyright/Author (c) Luca Filosofi > aseptik@gmail.com
// License Public
$carousel = $(this);
$carousel.wrap('<div id="carousel_wrapper"></div>');
$carousel.parent().append('<div class="button" id="left"></div>'+
'<div class="button" id="right"></div>');
$('img',this).attr('class', 'inactive');
$('img:eq(1)',this).attr('class', 'left');
$('img:eq(2)',this).attr('class', 'active');
$('img:eq(3)',this).attr('class', 'right');
$('.button').live('click', function(e) {
var mode = this.id;
var $button = $('.' + mode );
'z-index' : 9999 ,
'opacity': 0.8
'left': '90px',
'width': '320px',
'top': '0px',
'opacity': 1
}, 500, function() {
'opacity': 0.5
'left': '0px',
'width': '240px',
'top': '30px',
'opacity': 1
}, 400, function() {
$(this).attr('class', 'left').removeAttr('style');
$(this).prevAll().attr('class', 'inactive');
'opacity': 0.5
'left': '260px',
'width': '240px',
'top': '30px',
'opacity': 1
}, 400, function() {
$(this).attr('class', 'right').removeAttr('style');
$(this).nextAll().attr('class', 'inactive');
if (mode == 'left')
$('img:last' , $carousel).prependTo($carousel);
if (mode == 'right')
$('img:first' , $carousel).appendTo($carousel);
you are looking for this: http://web.enavu.com/demos/3dcarouselwip/
Try this:
Cloud Carousel - A 3d Carousel in Javascript
It seems to do exactly what you're looking for