
How to pass a parameter to jQuery UI dialog event handler?

I am currently trying to hook up jQuery UI dialog so that I may use it to create new items to my page and to modify ones existing already on the page. I managed in the former. I'm currently struggling in the latter problem, however. I just cannot find a nice way to pass the item to modify to the dialog.

Here's some code to illustrate the issue better. Note especially the part marked with XXX. The {{}} parts are derived from Django template syntax:

$(".exercise").click(function() {
    $.post("{{ request.path }}", {
            action: "create_dialog",
            exercise_name: $(this).text()
        function(data) {


    autoOpen: false,
    resizable: false,
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
        '{% trans 'Modify' %}': function() {
            var $inputs = $('#modify_exercise :input');

            var post_values = {};
            $inputs.each(function() {
                post_values[this.name] = $(this).val();

            post_values.action = 'validate_form';

            //XXX: how to get the exercise name here?
            post_values.exercise_name = 'foobar';

            $.post('{{ request.path }}', post_values,
                function(data) {
                    if( data.status == 'invalid' ) {
                    else {

Here's some markup to show how the code relates to the structure:

<div id="modify_exercise" class="dialog" title="{% trans 'Modify exercise' %}">

    {% for exercise in exercises %}
            <a class="exercise" href="#" title="{{ exercise.description }}">
                {{ exercise.name }}
    {% endfor %}

Perhaps following might suit your taste better:

Before $("#modify_exercise").dialog('open');, add


and in the button callback, replace post_values.exercise_name = 'foobar'; with

 post_values.exercise_name = $(this).data('exercise_name');

if you're working with eventhandlers you might want to use the event object instead of some global var ;)

event.target is what you're looking for.


$('.sel').bind('dialogcreate', function(event, ui) {
event.target.innerHTML = 'new content';

I can't think of how there is a connection between the clicked event and the dialog, so maybe the answer is just to use a global variable to store the name after each click event, and then use that in your dialog?

I've demonstrated this idea here: http://jsfiddle.net/NJa4U/

See how currentItem is used in that code.





验证码 换一张
取 消

