
Flash and Google Maps - Only Last Icon showing

I have a simple Map and geocoding sample in Flash using CS4

The problem is simple - I can retrieve a short list from the google search api, but when I try to generate the icons on the map using a loop, only the last icon is displayed. (ignore the house icon, it is generated earlier)

I feel I am missing something or made a stupid AS3 mistake (like treating it as if it was c#) - or even a stupid wood-for-the-trees mistake. The problem is in the last line of the code.

I have added all my code just in case somebody else can find a use for it - lord knows it took me a great while to figure this out :)

It runs here

(also, if anybody has an idea why the icon is slightly in the wrong place on render, but corrects if you move the map - please let me know)

Any help would be great.

Thanks. P

import com.google.maps.services.ClientGeocoder;
import com.google.maps.services.GeocodingEvent;
import com.google.maps.LatLng;
import com.google.maps.Map;
import com.google.maps.MapEvent;
import com.google.maps.MapType;
import com.google.maps.overlays.Marker;
import com.google.maps.overlays.MarkerOptions;
import com.google.maps.styles.FillStyle;
import com.google.maps.styles.StrokeStyle;
import com.google.maps.controls.*
import com.google.maps.overlays.*
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;

import com.adobe.utils.StringUtil;
import be.boulevart.google.ajaxapi.search.GoogleSearchResult;
import be.boulevart.google.events.GoogleApiEvent;
import be.boulevart.google.ajaxapi.search.local.GoogleLocalSearch;
import be.boulevart.google.ajaxapi.search.local.data.GoogleLocalSearchItem;

var strZip:String = new String();

var strAddress:String = new String();
strAddress ="100 W. Jackson Blvd, chicago, IL 60661";

var IconArray:开发者_JS百科Array = new Array;
var SearchArray:Array = new Array;

// The returned search data gets placed into this array

var LocalInfo:Array = new Array();
var intCount:int = new int;

var intMapReady:int=0;

  We load the map first and then get the search criteria - this will keep the order of
  operation clean.  The 

var map:Map = new Map();

map.key = "ABQIAAAAHwSPp7Lhew456ffD6qa2WmxT_VwdLJEfmcCgytxKjcH1jLKkiihQtfC-  TbcwryvBQYhRwHWa8F_Gp9Q";

map.setSize(new Point(600, 550));
map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, onMapReady);

//Places the map on the page

function onMapReady(event:Event):void 
 //Center the map and place the house marker

 Goecode to return the LAT and LONG for the specific address, center
 the map and add the house icon

function doGeocode()
    var geocoder:ClientGeocoder = new ClientGeocoder();

    function(event:GeocodingEvent):void {

    var objPlacemarks:Array = event.response.placemarks;

    if (objPlacemarks.length > 0) 
        map.setCenter(objPlacemarks[0].point, 14, MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE);

        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("house.png"); 
        var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); 

        var objMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
        objMarkerOptions.iconAlignment = MarkerOptions.ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER + MarkerOptions.ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER;
        var objMarker:Marker = new Marker(objPlacemarks[0].point, objMarkerOptions); 


//Failure code - good practice, really
    function(event:GeocodingEvent):void {
    txtResult.appendText("Geocoding failed");

    // generate geocode

   XML Loader - loads icon file and search text pair from xml file

function doLoadSearch()
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var xmlData:XML = new XML(); 
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("config.xml"));

    function LoadXML(e:Event):void
        xmlData = new XML(e.target.data);

    function RetrieveSearch()
        //extract the MapData subset
        var xmlSearch = xmlData.MapData;

        // push this to an xml list object
        var xmlChildren:XMLList =  xmlSearch.children();

        //loop the list and extract the data into an
        //array of formatted search criteria

        for each (var Search:XML in xmlChildren) 
            txtResult.appendText("Searching For: "+Search.Criteria+" Icon=" + Search.Icon+ "Zip=" + strZip +"\r\n\r\n");
            //retrieve search criteria


Search Functionality - does a google API search and loads the lats and longs required 
to place the icons on the map  - THIS WILL NOT RUN LOCALLY

function loadLocalInfo(strSearch,strIcon,strZip)
    var objLocal:GoogleLocalSearch=new GoogleLocalSearch()
    objLocal.search(strSearch+" "+strZip,0,"0,0","","")

    function onSearchComplete(e:GoogleApiEvent):void

        var resulta:GoogleSearchResult=e.data as GoogleSearchResult;

        // Load the icon for this particular search

        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(strIcon); 
        var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); 

        // For test purposes

        txtResult.appendText("Result Count for "+strSearch+" = "+e.data.results.length+"\r\n\r\n");

        for each (var result:GoogleLocalSearchItem in e.data.results as Array)

            // Pop the icon onto the map

            var objLatLng:LatLng = new LatLng(parseFloat(result.latitude), parseFloat(result.longitude)); 
            var objMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
            objMarkerOptions.iconAlignment = MarkerOptions.ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER + MarkerOptions.ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER;
            var objMarker:Marker = new Marker(objLatLng, objMarkerOptions); 

              *Everything* works to here - I have traced out execution 
              and all variables. It only works on the last item
              in the array :(



Well - after a few more hours of staring at the screen I started to take out attributes and see what I got.

I started with removing the icon from the MarkerOptions - and lo and behold, up popped a bunch of generic markers on my map - so the problem was with loading the icon.

So I moved the imageLoader functionality inside the loop, as below and it worked. Amazing what a good nights sleep and a bucket of tea will do for you.

Off to the next problem - centering the search using co-ordinates - yay.


    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(strIcon);  

    // For test purposes 

    txtResult.appendText("Result Count for "+strSearch+" = "+e.data.results.length+"\r\n\r\n"); 

    for each (var result:GoogleLocalSearchItem in e.data.results as Array) 

    var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();  

        // Pop the icon onto the map 

        var objLatLng:LatLng = new LatLng(parseFloat(result.latitude), parseFloat(result.longitude));  
        var objMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions(); 
        objMarkerOptions.iconAlignment = MarkerOptions.ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER + MarkerOptions.ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER; 
        var objMarker:Marker = new Marker(objLatLng, objMarkerOptions);  





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