how to loop through an array of vectors in C#
I now have an array of vectors:
static Vector3[] axes =
new Vector3[] { Vector3.Uni开发者_高级运维tX, Vector3.UnitY, Vector3.UnitZ };
and I want to loop through it,the code I write is:
for(int i=0;i<axes.Length;i++)
do sth. about axes[i];
However,it doesnt work and gets into infinite loop,could anyone help? thx.
It might be that you are adding a Vector3
to the array in the for loop.
Edit: Even though arrays are fixed size you could have code similar to this in the loop giving the add effect:
for(int i=0;i<axes.Length;i++)
axes = axes.Concat(new Vector3[] { new Vector3() }).ToArray();
This will cause the length to increase each time and the loop to go into an infinite loop (more specific to loop until an integer overflow occurs.