
How can I store a dataset object into a package variable of data type object?

How can I store dataset object into a package variable of data type Object and as开发者_如何学JAVAsigning it back to another Dataset object from within a script task?

Here is a code example from a previous answer of mine. It shows how, in a script task, you can fill an OleDB Data Adapter from an Object Variable. You can store recordsets into object variables by using the recordset destination in a dataflow task.
How to access a Recordset Variable inside a Script Task

To further extend what I did in the script from my other answer, if you have manipulated the rows in your object variable and want to save the new results into the object variable for further processing, you can do the following near the end of your process. Dts.Variables("rsRecipients").Value = dt

An example of this is located at: Update SSIS Object Variable Used In Foreach Conainer From Script Task
Code from example #2:

Public Sub Main()
Dim Header As String
Dim Body As String
Dim Footer As String
Header = "blah"

Footer = "blah"

    Dim olead As New Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
    Dim dt As New Data.DataTable
    olead.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables("rsRecipients").Value)

    For Each row As Data.DataRow In dt.Rows
        If UCase(Trim(row("EmployeeCode").ToString())) = UCase(Trim(Dts.Variables("colEmployeeCode").Value.ToString())) Then
            Body = Body + "Label: " + Trim(row("colum").ToString()) + System.Environment.NewLine
        End If
    Dts.Variables("rsRecipients").Value = dt
    Dts.Variables("EmailMessage").Value = Header + Body + Footer
    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
Catch ex As Exception
    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
End Try

End Sub

The line olead.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables("rsRecipients").Value) reads in from a recordset variable. The line Dts.Variables("rsRecipients").Value = dt writes the dataset back out to a variable (in this case the same one, however you could write it to a different variable if you wanted to). The other ways to load a dataset into a object variable include using the recordset destination in a dataflow task, or using a sql task and setting the full resultset to a variable by choosing full result set on the result set field in the dialog, then setting the output to go to a variable of type object.





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