
Scala 2.8: type inference of anonymous functions as default parameters

In Scala 2.8.0 RC 2 this definition:

  def buttonGroup[T](values: Array[T], textProvider: T => String = (t: T => t.toString)) = ...

gives the error 开发者_开发知识库message:

not found: value t

  def buttonGroup[T](values: Array[T], textProvider: T => String = (_.toString)) = ...


missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => x$1{}.toString{}){}

Only this works:

 textProvider: T => String = (_:T).toString


Either of these work, without type annotation:

def buttonGroup[T](values: Array[T], textProvider: T => String = (t: T) => t.toString) = 0

def buttonGroup[T](values: Array[T], textProvider: T => String = {t: T => t.toString}) = 0

But why don't your variations work?

The first one actually isn't valid Scala in any context:

scala> (t: Any => t.toString)
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but ')' found.
       (t: Any => t.toString))

The second expression _.toString uses the placeholder syntax for anonymous functions, and only works if the expression has an expected type.

scala> def foo[T] = { (_.toString) : (T => String) }
foo: [T](T) => String

The problem is that the default expression for a parameter whose type depends an type parameter doesn't have an expected type. This seems counter-intuitive, why wouldn't it have the declared type of the argument as the expected type? It turns out that the expression can have a more specific type, and that type checking is deferred to the call-site:

scala> def foo[T](t: T = "string-t") = t
foo: [T](t: T)T

scala> foo(1)
res4: Int = 1

scala> foo()
res5: java.lang.String = string-t

scala> foo[Int]()
<console>:7: error: type mismatch;
 found   : java.lang.String
 required: Int
Error occurred in an application involving default arguments.

If the type of textProvider doesn't include the type parameter T, the default expression has an expected type, and you can use the placeholder syntax:

scala> def buttonGroup[T](values: Array[T], textProvider: Any => String = _.toString) = 0
buttonGroup: [T](values: Array[T],textProvider: (Any) => String)Int

For a detailed explanation of the design of named and default parameters, I recommend Lucas Rytz's Scala Days presentation.





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