
sql query not working in drupal when fetching more than 100 rows

I was trying to execute this mysql query it is not giving me any results if i set the query_limit to more than 100, can somebody point me what i can do to get this working开发者_如何学Go for fetching more data.

$query_limit = 190;
$query1 = "SELECT N.nid ,N.tid FROM term_node N JOIN term_data S  ON  S.tid = N.tid AND S.vid =1";
$query_result = db_query_range($query1, $vid, 0, $query_limit);

Given your example, you do not pass the right parameters to db_query_range. You should either try without passing the unused query parameter substitution $vid:

$query_limit = 190;
$query1 = "SELECT N.nid ,N.tid FROM term_node N JOIN term_data S ON S.tid = N.tid AND S.vid = 1";
$query_result = db_query_range($query1, 0, $query_limit);

or better, use it properly by referencing it in your query (the %d at the end of your query will get substituted by the value of $vid:

$vid = 1;
$query_limit = 190;
$query1 = "SELECT N.nid ,N.tid FROM term_node N JOIN term_data S ON S.tid = N.tid AND S.vid = %d";
$query_result = db_query_range($query1, $vid, 0, $query_limit);

If you are using Drupal7 you may be incorrectly calling the db_query_range function. http://api.drupal.org/api/function/db_query_range/7:

db_query_range($query, $from, $count, array $args = array(), array $options = array())

$count The number of records to return from the result set.

no results out of a query means you have no rows in your tables that match your join condition.

Have you verified that any nodes in your Drupal install have a taxonomy term from the #1 taxonomy vocabulary? Your query will result in zero rows if the #1 vocabulary is not used in any nodes.





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