
How to produce a key pair for 64 bit public key encryption [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.

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I need to generate a 64 bit public-private key pair but can't find out any standard algorithm.

When you say public-private key pair, you imply that you are talking about asymmetric cryptography. Key sizes here are normally much much bigger than this - 512 bit or 1024 bit are common. If you are actually talking symmetric cryptography, then just randomly generate a 64 bit number (and, if you are using an algorithm like DES/3DES, check it against known weak keys for the algorithm).

Offhand, I can't think of a public-key cryptography algorithm that would be even somewhat secure with only a 64-bit key. RSA is by far the most common, but for it a 512 bit key is on the small side. Elliptical curve cryptography doesn't require as large of keys as most other public-key algorithms, but even so you typically need somewhere in the range of 150-200 bits.





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