Best way to model map values in Grails?
I have to implement map values in my Grails app. I have a class that can contain 0..N OsmTags, and the key is unique. In Java I would model this with a Map in each object, but I don't know how to map classes in Grails.
So I defined this class:
class OsmTag {
/** OSM tag name, e.g. natural */
String key
/** OSM tag val开发者_如何学Cue, e.g. park */
String value
static constraints = {
key blank:false, size:2..80,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false
value blank:false, size:1..250,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false
That works ok, but it's actually quite ugly because the tag key is not unique. Is there a better way to model this issue?
If your tags are simple strings, then you can use a map directly.
class Taggable {
Map tags // key : String, value : String
If I understand your question correctly, then you want to ensure that each tag is unique within a particular instance of the tagged entity?
Assume that the entity to which the tags are attached is named Taggable
, then
you can enforce this requirement using a custom constraint:
class Taggable {
static hasMany = [ tags: OsmTag ]
class OsmTag {
static belongsTo = [ taggable: Taggable ]
/** OSM tag name, e.g. natural */
String key
/** OSM tag value, e.g. park */
String value
static constraints = {
key(blank:false, size:2..80,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false,
validator: { val, obj ->
if (obj.taggable.tags.key.count(val > 1)) {
return false
value(blank:false, size:1..250,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false)
If you're looking for a NoSQL solution, you could try using MongoDB with Grails. The most recent version (1.4) supports Geospatial indexing and querying.