
How to use JS to jump to a specific place in a page? Tried scrollIntoView, not working

I have a PHP form for discussions. Each message has its own response button, which is dynamically generated. I'm using javascript in the button to make a response form visible at the bottom of the page, but I can't for the life of me get the page to jump down to the form once it's visible. This is a problem for pages that have a lot of discussions on it, as some users may not know to scroll down and will just think the button didn't work.

Here's what I have now for my button code:

<a href="#" onClick="changeVisibility(3,'responseFo开发者_开发知识库rm')"><img src="images/reply.jpg" border=0 /></a>

The changeVisibility function looks like this:

function changeVisibility(parentID, elementID) {
  var el = document.getElementById(elementID);

In my form, I have a div whose id is set to responseForm. When clicking the button, the div does become visible, but the scrollIntoView is not working - I have to manually scroll down to see it. Any ideas?

Use window.location.hash

function changeVisibility(parentID, elementID) {
  window.location.hash = '#' + elementID;
  return false;

<a href="#" onClick="return changeVisibility(3,'responseForm')"><img src="images/reply.jpg" border=0 /></a> 

EDIT: I think the issue before was that you weren't returning false, so the default action (going to #) was still occurring.

OK, I finally found something that works. I've been doing what I was taught to do in the Stone Age: when using javascript calls in what needs to be a link, use

a href="#" onClick="yourFunction()"

Apparently it's the # that's killing things for me; if I just use

a href="javascript:yourFunction()"

it works correctly. This may or may not be considered good practice anymore, but it works.

User window.location.hash to redirect to an ID/anchor. E.g.


<p id="youranchor">bla bla</p>



EmmyS - This code does work. Here's a complete example for you:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

    <title>Some title</title>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function jumpToParagraph() {
    <p onclick='jumpToParagraph();'>Jump to the paragraph at the end! [version 1]</p>

    <p><a href="javascript:jumpToParagraph();">Jump to the paragraph at the end! [version 2]</a></p>

    <p style="height: 1500px;">Some nonsense</p>

    <p id="paragraphjump">You made the jump</p>

Put it into a file and test the file in your browser.

Hmm, you could try using document.body.scrollTop = document.getElementById(elementId).offsetTop; (not tested)

Hum, the following JavaScript code works like a charm:

<script type="text/javascript">
function scrollToPos() {
    var el = document.getElementById("abc");
    el.style.visibility = "visible";
    el.style.display = "block";

When clicking this link <a href="#" onclick="scrollToPos();return false;">scroll</a><br /> the following div get's gets visible and scrolls into view (tested in IE6, IE8, FF3.6.3, Google Chrome 4.1 and Opera 10.5, all on windows)

<div id="abc" style="height:100px;color:red;font-weight:bold;visibility:hidden;display:none;">




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