JMS MessageCreator.createMessage() in Grails
I am trying to implement jms to my grails application.
I have several JMS consumer in a spring based enviroment listining on an ActiveMQ broker. I wrote a simple test commandline client which creates messages and receives them in an request response manner.
Here is the snippet that sends a MapMessage in Spring JMS way. This works for me as long I am in my spring world.
final String corrID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
asyncJmsTemplate.send("test.RequestQ", new MessageCreator()
public Message createMess开发者_如何学JAVAage(Session session) throws JMSException {
try {
MapMessage msg = session.createMapMessage();
msg.setStringProperty("json", mapper.writeValueAsString(List<of some objects>));
return msg;
} catch (JsonGenerationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
BUT when I tried to implement this methods to my grails test app I receive some METHOD_DEF exceptions. Sending simple TextMessages via the jmsTemplate.convertAndSende(Queue, Message) provided by the JMS Plugin works.
Can any one help me? Is this a common problem?
Cheers Hans
Not actually trying this out, I have to believe this is a syntax problem. What you're really doing with that anonymous class is passing a closure containing all the MessageCreator code into the constructor for the MessageCreator class. In Groovy, closures can be passed as the last argument to a function merely by placing it after the function name or the parenthesized first arguments.
SomeFunction( arg1, arg2) { some code }
is the same as
SomeFunction( arg1, arg2, { some code } )
What you really want is to convert the closure into an anonymous instance of a MessageCreator, which I believe you can accomplish by:
{ code in the anonymous block } as MessageCreator );
I found this on StackOverflow, actually, though it's a poorly created question. Read all the responses, and you should see something relevant: Best groovy closure idiom replacing java inner classes?
I have had the same problems and here is my working solution: I have created a new class MyMessageCreator in the src folder which implements the origin JMS MessageCreator interface.
With this I can create a new MyMessageCreator object and can call the createMessage(Session session) function to generate a new message.
To get the session object I use the jmsTemplate.
public class MyMessageCreator implements MessageCreator {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
return session.createMapMessage();
Here is the relevant groovy code:
Session session = jmsTemplate.getConnectionFactory().createConnection().createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
MapMessage msg = new MyMessageCreator().createMessage(session);
Hope this helps, Mirko