
VS2010 Ultimate - Unable to launch ASP.NET Development Server

I've worked with ASP.NET once before开发者_开发技巧 and had a project where it was potentially useful, so I started creating an ASP.NET website as part of a solution that contained several C# class libraries.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition and Windows 7 Professional x64. The issue is that when I try to debug my website project, I get the following error message:

Unable to launch the ASP.NET Development Server

There's no other information (it seems a popular variant is the "port in use" error).

Interestingly, I can run single pages on the application by right-clicking on the ASPX and selecting "View in Browser". This does not allow me to debug into my breakpoints, though.

I have no clue what the problem could be. I'm running VS2010 in Administrator mode. One of the questions that popped up here suggested I uncomment the " localhost" line from my HOSTS file, which I did, and restarted VS with no luck. I also tried both setting a static port for the web server to run on as well as let it dynamically generate one. Both do not help the situation.

Any help?


Added on 5/20/2010 at 9:25 CT I can debug by attaching to the process. However, this is still a painful way to debug quickly so I'd still like a solution to the problem.

There are some things to check before listed here
Please eliminate issues on the link and check whether you may debug

Hope this helps

The problem was I had a InstallShield Lite project which was apparently causing problems. Once I unloaded that project, I can launch the development server in debugging mode.





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