
Get highest frequency terms from Lucene index

i need to extract terms with highest frequencies from seve开发者_Python百科ral lucene indexes, to use them for some semantic analysis.

So, I want to get maybe top 30 most occuring terms(still did not decide on threshold, i will analyze results) and their per-index counts. I am aware that I might lose some precision because of potentionally dropped duplicates, but for now, lets say i am ok with that.

So for the proposed solutions, (needless to say maybe) speed is not important, since I would do static analysis, I would put accent on simplicity of implementation because im not so skilled with Lucene and cant wrap my mind around some concepts of it..

I can not find any code samples from something similar, so all concrete advices (code, pseudocode, links to code samples...) Appreciate all the advices!

Thank you!

A very simple way would be to use Luke. On the 'Overview' tab, there is a 'Show top terms' button that can be used for what you need.

Have a look at this: http://sujitpal.blogspot.com/2009/02/summarization-with-lucene.html

The class in this page hascomputeTopTermQuery method which you should be easily able to retrofit for going over multiple indexes.





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