
Why are my ASPX pages not being compressed with Gzip enabled?

So I set up gzip compression within IIS 6.

I enabled the compression for both static files and application files. I set up a temp directory with the size of 1,024 MB.

I modified the Metbase to include: htm,html,js,css,aspx,xml

I set the compression level to 9.

I added a WSE, called HttoCompression and set it to the gzip.dll aset it to "Allow".

I reset IIS.

I notice that my css开发者_开发百科, xml and js files are being compressed, but ASPX pages are not.

Did I miss something?

By default static file types .txt, .htm, and .html & dynamic file types .exe, .dll, and .asp are set for compression in IIS.

So to add other file types you need to configure custom settings for each compression option by editing the metabase or alternatively — in the case of the compression directory — by using IIS Manager.

For more explanations plz visit http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/25d2170b-09c0-45fd-8da4-898cf9a7d568.mspx?mfr=true

Have yo followed these steps correctly?


Also, I would highly recommend Port 80's solution:


You will need to go and edit the IIS Metabase file. If you dont want to resrart IIS / the server once you have done it click alolow live metabase edits in IIS

From the MS article you can get some patch results.

Easier post to follow (From Mr Atwood), basicly just cut and paste over the current values. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000059.html

I had the same issue and it turned out I put the aspx extension in the wrong spot in the MetaBase.xml file

When I put it under HcFileExtensions it did not work. When I put it under HcScriptFileExtensions it did work.





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