
finding files inside nested folder [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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How to search for files inside nested folders?

have a look at this function



You need to do it in recursively. Follow the link below for code sample.


Use recursion.

Write a method that searches the file in a specific folder. Call the method from within itself for each subdirectory and let it return the path if it found the file.

Pseudo-C#-Code(Only for getting the idea) :

public string SearchFile (string path, string filename)
    if (File.exists(path+filename)) return path;

    foreach(subdir in path)
        string dir = Searchfile(subdirpath,filename);
        if (dir != "") return dir;

This will run through all subdirectories and return the path to the searched file, if it is in there, else an empty string.

try this:

static string SearchFile(string folderPath, string fileToSearch)
    string foundFilePath = null;
    ///Get all directories in current directory
    string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath);

    if (directories != null && directories.Length > 0)
        foreach (string dirPath in directories)
            foundFilePath = SearchFile(dirPath, fileToSearch);
            if (foundFilePath != null)
                return foundFilePath;

    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath);
    if (files != null && files.Length > 0)
        foundFilePath = files.FirstOrDefault(filePath => Path.GetFileName(filePath).Equals(fileToSearch, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));                

    return foundFilePath;

try searching for fluent path in codeplex...it give shortcuts to serach for files within directories using lambdas/linq

Have a look at the DirectoryInfo class.

You will probably need a bit of recursion going on

With Linq and Directory.EnumerateFiles

var files =
    from file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(rootFolder,searchFor,SearchOption.AllDirectories)
    select file;




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