Convert System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit to int in c#
开发者_如何学PythonHow can I convert from an ASP.NET Unit structure to int in c#? Or reverse?
The Unit type has a Value property. This is a double, but you can cast it to an int if you want. The casting may cause a loss of precision, but you are probably aware of that.
To create a Unit just use the constructor that takes an int.
If you mean the Unit class:
The Unit class can represent values only between -32768 and 32767.
But it depends if you want the Pixel or Percentage value.
will get the value as pointed out.- Use the constructor
public Unit(int value)
to convert back.
If you mean a uint: there's 2 possible obvious ways:
int n = Convert.ToInt32(myUint);
int n = (int)myUint;
For ASP.NET Unit:
unit.IsEmpty ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(unit.Value);
Use Unit.Value property. It will return double and you can cast it to int
Something like (int)xyz.Value
WEhere xyz is the unit variable
To convert int to unit use new Unit(value)
Probably he need this:
int myInt = 1;
uint myUint = (uint)myInt;
uint myUint = 1;
int myInt = (int)myUint;
The Value
property returns a dobule, that you can convert to an integer:
int h = (int)someControl.Height.Value;
However, the conversion might not make sense for some unit types. If you don't know for certain that the unit is of a specific type, you would want to check the Type
property first.
Convert.Toint32( UInt );
I guess u meant UInt not Unit
EDIT : Ok thought you meant uint sorry