rails howto compare datetime?
i have games in my sqLite DB with the attribute starting_date( t.date :starting_date). i would like to know all the games that have alreday started so i am using this lines of code:
Game.find :all,:conditions=>"starting_date <= #{Date.today}"
Game.fi开发者_开发知识库nd_by_sql("SELECT * FROM "games" WHERE (created_at < 2010-05-13)")
the result is nill,even though i know that i have games that have already started like this one :
#<Game id: 1, team_1_id: 2, team_2_id: 1, status: 2, team_1_points: nil, team_2_points: nil, starting_date: "2010-05-05", winner: 1, sport: "football", country: nil, league: "calcio", created_at: "2010-04-07 00:09:21", updated_at: "2010-05-13 00:57:19">
what am i doing wrong here?
Game.all(:conditions => ["starting_date <= ?", Date.today])