
select attribute mysql

I have there mysql table:

**product (id,name)**
1  Samsung
2  Toshiba
3  Sony

**attribute (id,name,parentid)**
1 Size 0
2 19" 1
3 17" 1
4 15" 1
5 Color 0
6 White 5
7 Black 5
8 Price 0
9 <$100 8
10 $100-$300 8
11 >$300 8

**attribute2product (id,productid,attributeid)**
1 1 2
2 1 6
3 2 2
4 2 7
5 3 3
6 3 7
7 1 9
8 2 9
9 3 10

And listed them like:

-- 19" (2)
-- 17" (1)
-- 15" (0)

-- White (1)
-- Black (2)

-- <$100 (1)
-- $100-$300 (1)
-- >$300 (1)

Please help me the mysql query to list the attribute name and count the number product that this attribute have. EG: When select Size 19" (attribute.id 2)

-- 19"

-- White (1)
-- Black (1)

-- <$100 (1)
-- $100-$300 (1)

This will query to attribute2product >> select the productid >> next query to select other attribute of that productid and display the attribute name, number of prod that attribute name now have... (Like Magento)


I've modified the query. This should be what you based on your updates:

SELECT attribute.name AS attributename, COUNT(*) AS numofproducts FROM product 
  INNER JOIN attribute2product ON  attribute2product.productid = product.id
  INNER JOIN attribute ON attribute.id = attribute2product.attributeid
  WHERE product.id IN 
     SELECT p.id FROM product AS p
     INNER JOIN attribute2product AS a2p ON a2p.productid = p.id
     WHERE a2p.attributeid = 2
  GROUP BY attribute.id, attribute.name;

Based on your above data I got:

  attributename   numofproducts
       19"              2
      White             1
      Black             1
      <$100             2

For multiple attributes (based a more knowledgeable expert Quassnoi's blog article) :
I've removed product table since it's not needed here

SELECT attribute.name AS attributename, COUNT(*) AS numofproducts
FROM attribute2product
  INNER JOIN attribute ON attribute.id = attribute2product.attributeid
  WHERE attribute2product.productid IN (
      SELECT o.productid
      FROM (
        SELECT productid 
        FROM (
          SELECT 2 AS att
          UNION ALL
          SELECT 6 AS att
          ) v
        JOIN attribute2product ON attributeid >= att AND attributeid <= att
        ) o
      GROUP BY o.productid
      HAVING COUNT(*) = 2
  GROUP BY attribute.id, attribute.name

2, 6 refer to 19" and White, respectively. COUNT(*) = 2 is to match 2 attributes. More attributes can be added by appending the following to nested derived table:

          UNION ALL
          SELECT <attributeid> AS att

As expected the result from the query:

  attributename   numofproducts
       19"              1
      White             1
      <$100             1




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