
Can't submit new object to WCF DataService because of Primary Key constraint

I've got a SQL database that uses Guid's for PK's and upon insert, it generates a NewId(). I have an EF data context setup pointing to that database with the primary keys setup with the Entity key:true, Setter:private and StoreGeneratedPattern:Identity because I want the DB to manage the keys and not have code set the PK property.

I have an OData (System.Web.Data.Services.DataService) endpoint to access this data (just like: Hanselman did.

I have another app that has a service reference to this service. Upon trying to create a new object from this reference (i.e. Product), the ProductId Primary Key is being defaulted to Guid.Empty when doing

var serviceEntities = new ServiceEntities(serviceUri); //OData endpoint

var product = new Product();
product.Name = "New Product";

serviceEntities.SaveChanges(); // error happens here

When debugging, I look at the Product.ProductId property and it's set to Guid.Empty. When called SaveChanges, I do not want the ProductId field to be sent to the service. The response I get is:

Error processing request stream. Property 'ProductId' is a read-only property and cannot be updated. Pleas开发者_Go百科e make sure that this property is not present in the request payload.

Is there a way to do this or what can I do to get this setup correctly and still have the DB generated the keys.

Here is the same setup as the Product example above.

Can't submit new object to WCF DataService because of Primary Key constraint

What I ended up doing was adding a ChangeInterceptor. This works but its not the preferred way of doing it.

public void OnChangeApplications(Product product, UpdateOperations operations)
    if (operations != UpdateOperations.Add) return;

    if (product.ProductId == Guid.Empty)
        product.ProductId = Guid.NewGuid();




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