
Can I make the compiler and the CLR ignore non implemented interfaces on my types?

I would like to define a type implementing a certain interface, however I would only implement it in a proxy at runtime. I can see two obstacles in this scenario :

1-Make the compiler ignore non implemented interfaces. 2-Make the CLR ignore(or开发者_JS百科 at least delay) the TypeLoadException with the following description : "Method SOMEMETHOD in type SOMETYPE from assembly SOMEASSEMBLY does not have an implementation."

Is something like this possible?

If I needed to do this, I would create a class that provided some kind of basic/empty implementation of the interface to make the compiler happy, and then descend off that class to provide the actual implementation.

Any other way I would consider just too hackish - I wouldn't feel comfortable that whatever behavior I was exploiting would not be changed/fixed in the future.

If your type inherits an interface then it must implement every member from it. The closest thing I can of think of that you could do is to throw a NotImplementedException.

public interface IFoo
  void DoSomething();

public class Foo : IFoo
  void IFoo.DoSomething()
    throw new NotImplementedException();

public class FooProxy : Foo
  public void DoSomething()
    // Do something meaningful here.




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