
bundle product shows price as 0

I've been reading a lot about this problem but I get nothing that suggests a way out. I am working with version and after creating a bundle product, Magento displays it a开发者_StackOverflow中文版s price as zero, but gives the "current composition" as the correct value.

alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2009-10-13_2158.png

I already tried to refresh the cache, rebuild the catalog index, and nothing works... Then I went deep and navigated into the price.phtml template under


and tried to invoke the same method that is showing correctly the value, bu that as well, return zero.

I did notice that Magento has this javascript method


right after and if invoked I do get the correct price... I can try, using jQuery (or Prototype as Magento uses by default) change the value, but I was trying to this right...

Any other ideas?

Had the same problem. price showed as 0.00.

you have to edit your price-attribute -> show in product-listing: yes

for the product page I'm using this as a work around:

executing this jQuery code:

// hide "Price as configured" text
jQuery(".price-as-configured span:first").hide(); 

// hide the 0,00 price

// hide the 2nd price (not in image)
jQuery(".product-options-bottom .price-box").hide(); 

will pass this:

alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2009-10-13_2338.png

into this:

alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2009-10-13_2339.png

In the product grid list I'm using this code to hide the price/button and add to wish list links

jQuery("#products-grid-table .price-box").hide();
jQuery("#products-grid-table .button").hide();
jQuery("#products-grid-table .add-to-links").hide();

// LIST 
jQuery("#products-list .price-box").hide();
jQuery("#products-list .button").hide();
jQuery("#products-list .add-to-links").hide();

and it will pass this

alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2009-10-14_0005.png

into this

alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2009-10-14_0006.png

I hope it helps someone ...

you can use my magento module: https://github.com/head82/KH_ExtendedBundlePrice tested with magento 1.7





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