
Convert string value back to GUID value

i have a guid value that i store in my hidden variable. say for eg (303427ca-2a5c-df11-a391-005056b73dd7)

now how do i convert the value from thi开发者_Python百科s hidden field back to GUID value (because the method i would be calling expects a GUID value).

thank you.

Just use the overloaded constructor:

  Guid guid = new Guid("{D843D80B-F77D-4655-8A3E-684CC35B26CB}");
catch (Exception ex) // There might be a more appropriate exception to catch
  // Do something here in case the parsing fails.

You are making it pretty easy on an attacker by storing the Guid in a string. Trivial to find back in, say, the paging file. Store it in a Guid and kill two birds with one stone.

    string strGuid;
    strGuid = (your guid here);
    Guid guid = new Guid(strGuid);

For more info, MSDN

Guid has a constructor for string Guids.

Guid guid = new Guid(myStringGuid);

new Guid(myHiddenFieldString)

I think it can be done simply as following:

Guid MyGuid = new Guid(stringValue);

In .NET4 onwards you can also use:

Guid myGuid = Guid.Parse(myGuidString); 

Just a matter of coding preference, but some people find this more intuitive.





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取 消

