How to create sockets in google chrome extension?
I created small hello world extension for 开发者_开发技巧google chrome I need to use sockets in extension for peer to peer communication using UDP. Is there any firefox Jslib equivalent in google chrome or how we can use other languages in google chrome extension?
I doubt its possible in google chrome, looking at its documentation. ? Are there any other ways to achieve p2p communication in extension?
Chrome has an packaged app support for raw socket connections. More general info here. This used to be available to extensions as well but it's not clear if that's still true.
The documentation indicates that only UDP is available for the type when the socket is created. However, recently (Jan 2012) there was a commit adding TCP support.
These are not websockets (it's TCP or UDP sockets):
The second link is a howto for making a web-server in a Chrome app.