
Relationship Modelling in Core Data

I'm fairly new to Obje开发者_如何学编程ctive C and Core Data and have a problem designing a case where players team up one-on-one and have multiple matches that end up with a specific result.

With MySQL, I would have a Player table (player primary key, name) and a match table (player A foreign key, player B foreign key, result).

Now how do I do this with Core Data? I can easily tie a player entity to a match entity using a relationship. But how do I model the inverse direction for the second player ref. in the match entity?


Name: Attribute

Match: Relationship Match


Result: Attribute PlayerA: Relationship to Player (<- Inverse to Player.Match)

PlayerB: Relationship to Player (<- Inverse to ????)

Would be great if someone could give me an idea on this!

Thanks, Stevie.

If your match has a specific home player and away player, then you would use:

player.homeMatches <---->> match.homePlayer
player.awayMatches <---->> match.awayPlayer

You may still have the:


if you need to search by all matches and you don't want to AND your search fields together. Or you can provide a method/readonly-property "allMatches":

- (NSSet *)allMatches
    return [[NSMutableSet setWithSet:self.homeMatches] unionSet:self.awayMatches];

to give the value at runtime. Of course, you can't search by this "allMatches" property using a fetch predicate but you can sort and access at runtime.





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