
Frontend tool to manage H2 database [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.

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How to use H2 database's integrated managment frontend?

For operations such as create table, alter table, add column, and so on.

I like SQuirreL SQL Client, and NetBeans is very useful; but more often, I just fire up the built-in org.h2.tools.Server and browse port 8082:

$ java -cp /opt/h2/bin/h2.jar org.h2.tools.Server -help
Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, TCP, and PG server.
Usage: java org.h2.tools.Server 
When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started.
Options are case sensitive. Supported options are:
[-help] or [-?]         Print the list of options
[-web]                  Start the web server with the H2 Console
[-webAllowOthers]       Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-webPort ]       The port (default: 8082)
[-webSSL]               Use encrypted (HTTPS) connections
[-browser]              Start a browser and open a page to connect to the web server
[-tcp]                  Start the TCP server
[-tcpAllowOthers]       Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-tcpPort ]       The port (default: 9092)
[-tcpSSL]               Use encrypted (SSL) connections
[-tcpPassword ]    The password for shutting down a TCP server
[-tcpShutdown ""]  Stop the TCP server; example: tcp://localhost:9094
[-tcpShutdownForce]     Do not wait until all connections are closed
[-pg]                   Start the PG server
[-pgAllowOthers]        Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-pgPort ]        The port (default: 5435)
[-baseDir ]        The base directory for H2 databases; for all servers
[-ifExists]             Only existing databases may be opened; for all servers
[-trace]                Print additional trace information; for all servers

How about the H2 console application?

I use sql-workbench for working with H2 and any other DBMS I have to deal with and it makes me smile :-)

I would like to suggest DBEAVER .it is based on eclipse and supports better data handling

one discuss found here

quote from Thomas Mueller:

There's a shell client built in too which is handy.

java -cp h2*.jar org.h2.tools.Shell


$ java -cp h2.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -help
Interactive command line tool to access a database using JDBC.
Usage: java org.h2.tools.Shell <options>
Options are case sensitive. Supported options are:
[-help] or [-?]        Print the list of options
[-url "<url>"]         The database URL (jdbc:h2:...)
[-user <user>]         The user name
[-password <pwd>]      The password
[-driver <class>]      The JDBC driver class to use (not required in most cases)
[-sql "<statements>"]  Execute the SQL statements and exit
[-properties "<dir>"]  Load the server properties from this directory
If special characters don't work as expected, you may need to use
 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 (Mac OS X) or CP850 (Windows).
See also http://h2database.com/javadoc/org/h2/tools/Shell.html

I haven't used it, but RazorSQL looks pretty good.

If you are running it as an embedded database in spring I use the following configuration to enable the built in web client when the main app is running:

<!-- Run H2 web server within application that will access the same in-memory database -->
<bean id="h2Server" class="org.h2.tools.Server" factory-method="createTcpServer" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop" depends-on="h2WebServer">
    <constructor-arg value="-tcp,-tcpAllowOthers,-tcpPort,9092"/>
<bean id="h2WebServer" class="org.h2.tools.Server" factory-method="createWebServer" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
    <constructor-arg value="-web,-webAllowOthers,-webPort,8082"/>

I use DbVisualizer a lot for H2-db administration.

There exists a free version:


I would suggest Jetbrain's IDE: DataGrip https://www.jetbrains.com/datagrip/





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