Detect if javascript is enabled in a winforms/mfc embedded browser
I have a native (windows) application that has an embedded web browser. Currently I'm invoking a javascript function from the backend (c++/c#). However, if javascript is disabled this fails and I'd like to provide a fallback mechanism. Is there a way to determine if javascript is disabled开发者_如何学Go?
In the IE Web Control, you can simply force JavaScript on. Please refer to the following interfaces, which your host has to implement:
- IDocHostUIHandler
- IDocHostShowUI
- IInternetSecurityManager
- IServiceProvider
Another approach would be for your HTML page to query the window.external object and call a method on it, which you implement in your host, which sets a flag to true. Not being called would mean the JavaScript was not executed.
Wow, using web browser under mfc is really pain in the ass, you can do it by getting the IInternetSecurityManager, and check if is enabled to execute javascript by current policy, if user select to disable javascript on his IE, you will need to overwrite the value in the registry.
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InternetSecurityManager, NULL,
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IInternetSecurityManager, (void**)&pSecurityMgr);
int policy = URLPOLICY_ALLOW;
hr = pSecurityMgr->ProcessUrlAction(L"", URLACTION_SCRIPT_RUN,
(BYTE*)&policy, sizeof(policy), NULL, 0, PUAF_TRUSTED, 0);
if hr = S_FALSE, javascript execution is disabled...