
One fix for all IE6 problems [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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Is there a one fix solution for all IE6 problems? One HTC/jQuery file that fixes IE6 problems like PNG, background position, hover, (even) rounded corners...

I'm just too tired to look for all fixes, test them and put them in separately.

The one fix for all IE6 problems is to stop supporting IE6.

Not exactly 100% but ie7.js works pretty well.

Don't listen to people who say to you stop supporting IE6. I prefer not to enable all features for IE6, as it will requires infinite time.

Just make sure that your website degrades gracefully.

If your website doesn't work at all in IE6, you will lose several internet users. Specially for websites targeting Aunt Marge.

The script which vise proposed is nice one.

Don't forget to see Universal internet explorer 6 css.


Don't worry too much about IE6; aslong as it looks acceptable, then you're golden.

The web can't move on if designers and developers won't.

Google Chrome Frame.

Alas, no.  

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;http://www.google.com/chrome" />

One fix for all IE6 problems [closed]

(source: webdeveloperjuice.com)

But seriously. IE7.js mixed with DD_Roundies.js should get you alot of places.

Someone should port webkit to javascript+canvas. That would be golden!

I second the call to stop supporting IE6. While it may still have non-negligible market share, this is probably pure inertia. I highly doubt such a browser has a loyal fanbase that loves IE6 and won't change even if you make it easy for them to get something better, such as by offering a download link to IE7 or Firefox. An equal marketshare of dedicated fans, though, would be worth supporting to avoid alienating them and their browser choices.

If you're looking for an abstraction, GWT can do a lot of things for you. It still supports IE6, so it often includes a workaround - sometimes JavaScript based - for that browser. As long as you use GWT widgets and layouts, this happens automatically, so you don't have to make changes to your code for IE6. (Of course, it can't do things that are impossible in IE6.)

You would have to be willing to make the jump to GWT's programming paradigm of course (which I personally find great, but that depends mostly on the question, if you like Java or not). However, you can use gwtquery to write a lot of the code in JQuery style (pretty much the same syntax and it's even a bit faster).

Many many internet cafe in the "garden city" using Windows XP and IE6

Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs http://www.virtuosimedia.com/tutorials/ultimate-ie6-cheatsheet-how-to-fix-25-internet-explorer-6-bugs





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