
How do I sign requests reliably for the Last.fm api?

I'm trying to implement authorization through Last.fm. I'm submitting my arguments as a Dictionary to make the signing easier. This is the code I'm using to sign my calls:

public static string SignCall(Dictionary<string, string> args)
    IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> sortedArgs = args.OrderBy(arg => arg.Key);
    string signature = 
        sortedArgs.Select(pair => pair.Key + pair.Value).
        Aggregate((first, second) => first + second);
    return MD5(signature + SecretKey);

I've checked the output in the debugger, it's exactly how it should be, however, I'm still getting WebExceptions every time I try, meaning the API is returning "Invalid Method Signature". This means it's not accepting the signature SignCall is generating.

Here's my code I use to generate the URL in case it'll help:

public static string GetSignedURI(Dictionary<string, string> args, bool get)
    var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    if (get)
    foreach (var kvp in args)
        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}={1}&", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
    return stringBuilder.ToString();

And sample usage to get a SessionKey:

var args = new Dictionary<string, string>
                           {"method", "auth.getSession"},
                           {"api_key", ApiKey},
                           {"token", token}
              开发者_开发知识库         };
string url = GetSignedURI(args, true);


Oh, and the code references an MD5 function implemented like this:

public static string MD5(string toHash)
    byte[] textBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toHash);
    var cryptHandler = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
    byte[] hash = cryptHandler.ComputeHash(textBytes);
    return hash.Aggregate("", (current, a) => current + a.ToString("x2"));

Also, here's the API documentation: API - Last.fm, with this page detailing authorization.

Your code works fine to me. What I did:

  1. Get the token: http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=auth.gettoken&api_key=677626cfada7f04fa80cfd3ad199b109, the token returned was 53c8890afbbf94281931cd11bf28a4e0
  2. Authenticate that token with user: http://www.last.fm/api/auth?api_key=677626cfada7f04fa80cfd3ad199b109&token=53c8890afbbf94281931cd11bf28a4e0
  3. Use your code to get URL and then download its contents using WebClient, which returned user name and session key.




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取 消

