
Can not make a tag in SVN repo from command line

What I want to do:

I have checked out WC in current folder ("App", which is not SVN repository folder), sources were built and I want to开发者_如何学运维 make a tag in repository based on revisions in my WC

I run the following command (in "App" folder)

"C:\Program Files\CC\server\svn\svn.exe" copy . https://svnserver.com/svn/repos/TM1/Sources/tags/2009_10_07-0006 --username XXXXXXX --password XXXXXXXX --non-interactive -m "Production version 0006 at 2009-10-07 - 17:03:39 by "

And get the following error message and no tag added in repository:

svn: Skipping argument: '_svn' ends in a reserved name

svn: Commit failed (details follow):

svn: '/svn/repos/TM1/Sources/tags/2009_10_07-0006' path not found

Any ideas? what's wrong

SVN Client - 1.5.4

SVN server version 1.5.x

You are probably using two inconsistent subversion clients: one using _svn as the folder name for the metadata, and the other one .svn. If you also have been using TortoiseSVN: it's an install time option. Otherwise, the SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK environment variable may have been set when the checkout was made.





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