
How to link to a folder in document library from sharepoint list item?


I have an items on the sharepoint list. I also have a corresponding folder in a document library that contains documents about this item. I want to be able to get to this folder straight from the item properties. I have tried to create a lookup column containing folder ID, but that doesn't help cause folder is not a type and it just doesn't work. Other solution would be to create link column but if I will create it staticly - after creating alternative mapping (and getting to the page from the internet for example) it won't work. (so solution posted here won't work for me).

I want 开发者_如何学Goto create this link from sharepoint workflow. I have a custom action that can return any info about the folder I want (ID, URL etc).


How to link from sharepoint list item to a folder in document library?

I would personally try to avoid using folders. In numerous instance I've found they arn't worth the trouble and the key with SharePoint is not to reproduce the typical folder hierarchy that you'll find on a file system. Break away from that mess and do it the SharePoint way and put the documents straight into the list and use views and metadata to break up the documents into manageable groupings.

That said, a folder is it's own content type and it works perfectly well in a lookup column. You have to reference the list item id for the folder of course. I just created a folder in a standard document library, added a lookup column to a custom list and successfully referenced the folder in a new item. When I click the folder lookup then I get taken to the folder item, which contains an "Open" link that takes me to the documents contained within the folder.

I did a search and found a free feature for linking easily. Watch the demo video on codeplex.


Yes - really good - BUT the original question was for a way to link to documents from a LIST and the tool you have linked to DOES NOT do this. Looks pretty neat for linking between Libraries though!


Here's what's working for me. From the top: I have a document library with folders. In my case each folder represents a unique event and each folder has 0 or more documents. The document library is named "Event Documents."

I also have a custom list name named "Events." The Event form has an "Event" lookup field that points to the Event Documents "Title" field. As such, the drop down menu on the Event form shows me all the folders in the document library.

When an Event form is saved, a sharepoint designer workflow fires. The workflow set's the field "Event Folder" to "Event Documents:URL Path" where "ID" is equal to Current Item "Event."

Bottom line, I've found no way to cobble together the URL of a parent folder except via a SPD workflow. The workflow can grab the URL (and other attributes) of the folder when it has the ID of the folder in hand.

Dude i got a simple solution Out Of the box ; i discovered it a while ago :

the solution is to make a Column named title ; Then create a new folder ; then press action>edit with spread sheet > then write the title for that folder this phase is now finished then in the lookup colomn you can refere it to the title colomn you will find the folder is there

thanks to me





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