Get property name from class [duplicate]
I need property name in my app and I use next code to get it
string PropertyName =SomeClass.GetType().GetProperty("Category").Name;
But I think that is bad idea. Because I use web service classes and I dont know when property names can be changed. This code give me exception only in runtime. But if I write something like this SomeClassInstance.Property.GetProperyName i get exception in moment of compilation and repair this problem. Is it possible to get property name dynamically?
There is a very neat solution here: Workaround for lack of 'nameof' operator in C# for type-safe databinding?
Expression<Func<string>> expression = () => Sample.Foo;
MemberExpression body = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
string name = body.Member.Name;
Where Sample.Foo is your property So that would be SomeClass.Category.Name