
In JSF1.2 is it possible to redirect to a bean before a page is rendered?

I know that in Seam, we could write an xml file (if my jsf page is named index.jsf -> index.page.xml) that we could add there

action execute="#{loginAction.checkIfBlaBla}"

so that JUST BEFORE the index.xhtml is rendered we could call a method of a Bean (Session or Managed, in seam it doesnt matter)

I am wondering if it is also possible in pure Java EE app coded with ejb3 and jsf v1.2?开发者_运维百科

In JSF2.0 it may be possible as it is more like Seam framework with the 2.0 version. But in 1.2 I am not sure, that's why I wanna ask to you all.

Any help would be appreciated, Many thanks, Baris

This is JSF-own behaviour and the way has never changed since JSF 1.0, so yes, you should be able to do the same with JSF 1.2. If you have a more specific problem, feel free to ask a new question. For the time being, I'd suggest to get yourself through a basic JSF tutorial to pick up the trivials. The JSF tutorials at Coreservlets.com are very good.





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