I want to know how to deploy the war file in apache tomcat and make it to run
I create a war file using apache ant and i wanted to deploy that .w开发者_运维知识库ar file in tomcat and make it run can u people help me with the steps.. i m not clear abt it
- stop tomcat
- move your war into [tomcat install dir]/webapps
- start tomcat
tomcat will deploy the war on startup
- for database connectivity copy the connector in the lib folder of project which is in WEB_INF folder like point\war\WEB-INF\lib
- create war File ...in war folder of the project like c:/user/workspace/point/war/ there (point is project name) ...by command jar cvf point.war *
- now type
like mine ishttp://localhost/9090
- press on tomcat manager and give user and password
- go on the option deploy war file to upload ...browse and choice the war file create in war folder of project upload the file
- click on the /point which created by manager and their your file is uploaded