Error after redirection using CakePHP
I have created some code called LoginController
. Whenever Admin
gets successfully logged in I redirect the page to index
However, I got an error like "problem on loading page".
This is my code:
class LoginController extends AdminAppController {
var $name = 'Login';
var $uses = array('Admin.Login');
var $sessionkey= '';
/*function beforeFilter()
if($this->Session->read('user')=='Admin' || $this->params['action']=='login')
echo "in"; exit;
echo "else"; exit;
$this->Session->setFlash('Login first','flash_failure');
function index() {
function login()
//pr($this->data); exit;
$results = $this->Login->findByEmail($this->data['Login']['email']);
if(!empty($results) && $results['Login']['password']== md5($this->data['Login']['password']))
$this->Session->write('user', 'Admin');
$results['Login']['last_login']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$this->Session->setFlash('Login successfully.', 'flash_success');
$this->redirect(array('controller'=>'login','action' => 'index'));
Can anyone help me? Thanks.
I got your problem.
IT goes into the infinite loop.ANd that is why you got in the Page loading error.
As you did not distinguish between admin login and client login you are facing this issue.
So my suggestion is that create new same function with diff name called as admin login
And set the router for admin login. regards, ARCHIT.