Resize Ext.form.ComboBox to fit its content
There are quite few solutions on Ext forums, but I wasn’t able to get any of them work. It seems I am missing something minor.
I need to resize combobox to fit its content when it’s first created. I do not need to worry about resizing it when content is changing.
Is there any working examples using Extjs 3.2?
Current Code:
var store = new{
fields: ['view', 'v开发者_运维知识库alue', 'defaultselect'],
data: Ext.configdata.dataCP
comboCPU = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
tpl: '<tpl for="."><div class="x-combo-list-item"><b>{view}</b><br /></div></tpl>',
store: store,
displayField: 'view',
width: 600,
typeAhead: true,
forceSelection: true,
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
editable: false,
emptyText: 'empty text',
selectOnFocus: true,
listeners: { select: AdjustPrice, change: AdjustPrice, beforeselect: function (combo, record, index) { return ('false' ==; } },
applyTo: 'confelement'
I've also tried removing width: 600 and replacing it with minListWidth: 600 but that result following and didnt fix the issue. alt text
Try the following:
- Determine the list-box option with the most chars
- Create a div and set the option with the most chars
- Append this div to the body
- Get the div's clientWidth
Below codes works in ExtJs 3.2!
myStore = new{
listeners : {
load: function() {
var maxValue = "";
var charLen = 0, maxCharLen = 0;
var maxListWidth = 300;
* This is a work-around since the 'listWidth' property
* does not accept any values that would simulate auto-resize
* in reference to the category with the most characters.
*/, index, totalItems ) {
var nameValue =['name']; // 'name' is the field name
if(nameValue == null || nameValue == ''){
// do nothing
}else {
charLen = nameValue.length;
if(charLen > maxCharLen){
maxCharLen = charLen;
maxValue = nameValue;
if(maxValue != ""){
var divEl = document.createElement('div'); = 'tempEl'; = "inline";
divEl.className = "x-combo-list";
divEl.innerHTML = maxValue;
// check if appended
divEl = document.getElementById('tempEl');
if(divEl) {
var divWidth = divEl.clientWidth;
if(divWidth == 0 ) { = "inline-block";
divWidth = divEl.clientWidth;
// the allocated width for the scrollbar at side of the list box
var scrollbarWidth = 30;
// make sure that column width is not greater than
if((divWidth + scrollbarWidth) > maxListWidth) {
maxListWidth = divWidth + scrollbarWidth;
myCombo.listWidth = maxListWidth;
var myCombo = new fm.ComboBox({
try autoWidth: true
and remove the width parameter
width: 600
is correct, so you must have some other issue going on that's not obvious from what you posted. You might try removing the applyTo
config and instead put renderTo: Ext.getBody()
just to see if it has something to do with how it's applied to your element. Are you sure there is not some other code that could be affecting the width?
Found here:
// throw this stuff in a closure to prevent
// polluting the global namespace
var originalOnLoad = Ext.form.ComboBox.prototype.onLoad;
Ext.form.ComboBox.prototype.onLoad = function(){
var padding = 8;
var ret = originalOnLoad.apply(this,arguments);
var max = Math.max(this.minListWidth || 0, this.el.getWidth());
var fw = false;
Ext.each(this.view.getNodes(), function(node){
if(!fw){ fw ='lr'); }
if(node.scrollWidth){ max = Math.max(max,node.scrollWidth+padding); }
if( max > 0 && max-fw != this.list.getWidth(true) ){
this.innerList.setWidth(max - this.list.getFrameWidth('lr'));
return ret;