
can someone help me fix my code?

I have this code I been working on but I'm having a hard time for it to work. I did one but it only works in php 5.3 and I realized my host only supports php 5.0! do I was trying to see if I could get it to work on my sever correctly, I'm just lost and tired lol

Ol, sorry stackoverflow is a new thing for me. Not sure how to think of it. As a forum or a place to post a question... hmmm, I'm sorry for being rude with my method of asking.

I was wondering i you could give me some guidance on how to properly insert directory structures with how i written this code. I wasn't sure how to tell the PHP where to upload my files and whatnot, I got some help from a friend who helped me sort out some of my bugs, but I'm still lost with dealing with the mkdir and link, unlink functions. Is this how I am suppose to refer to my diretories?

I know php 5.3 uses the _ DIR _ and php 5.0 use dirname(_ _ FILE_ _), I have tried both and I get the same errors. My files are set to 0777 for testing purposes. What could be the problem with it now wanting to write and move my uploaded file?

    } elseif ( (file_exists("\\uploads\\{$username}\\images\\banner\\{$filename}")) || (file_exists("\\uploads\\{$username}\\images\\banner\\thumbs\\{$filename}")) ) {

        $errors['img_fileexists'] = true;

    if (! empty($errors)) { 
        unlink($_FILES[IMG_FIELD_NAME]['tmp_name']); //cleanup: delete temp file

    // Create thumbnail
    if (empty($errors)) {

        // Make directory if it doesn't exist
        if (!is_dir("\\uploads\\{$username}\\images\\banner\\thumbs\\")) {

            // Take directory and break it down into folders
            $dir = "uploads\\{$username}\\images\\banner\\thumbs";
            $folders = explode("\\", $dir);

            // Create directory, adding folders as necessary as we go (ignore mkdir() errors, we'll check existance of full dir in a sec)
            $dirTmp = '';
            foreach ($folders as $fldr) {
                if ($dirTmp != '') { $dirTmp .= "\\"; }
                $dirTmp .= $fldr;
                mkdir("\\".$dirTmp); //ignoring errors deliberately!

            // Check again whether it exists
            if (!is_dir("\\uploads\\$username\\images\\banner\\thumbs\\")) {
                $errors['move_source'] = true;
                unlink($_FILES[IMG_FIELD_NAME]['tmp_name']); //cleanup: delete temp file

        if (empty($errors)) {

            // Move uploaded file to final destination
            if (! move_uploaded_file($_FILES[IMG_FIELD_NAME]['tmp_name'], "/uploads/$username/images/banner/$filename")) {
                $errors['move_source'] = true;
                unlink($_FILES[IMG_FIELD_NAME]['tmp_name']); //cleanup: delete temp file

            } else {

                // Create thumbnail in new dir
                if (! make_thumb("/uploads/$username/images/banner/$filename", "/uploads/$username/images/banner/thumbs/$filename")) {
                    $errors['thumb'] = true;
                    unlink("/uploads/$username/images/banner/$filename"); //cleanup: delete source file

    // Record in database
    if (empty($errors)) {

        // Find existing record and delete existing images
        $sql = "SELECT `bannerORIGINAL`, `bannerTHUMB` FROM `agent_settings` WHERE (`agent_id`={$user_id}) LIMIT 1";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        if (!$result) {
            unlink("/uploads/$username/images/banner/$filename"); //cleanup: delete source file
            unlink("/uploads/$username/images/banner/thumbs/$filename"); //cleanup: delete thumbnail file
            die("<div><b>Error: Problem occurred with Database Query!</b><br /><br 开发者_运维百科/><b>File:</b> " . __FILE__ . "<br /><b>Line:</b> " . __LINE__ . "<br /><b>MySQL Error Num:</b> " . mysql_errno() . "<br /><b>MySQL Error:</b> " . mysql_error() . "</div>");
        $numResults = mysql_num_rows($result);
        if ($numResults == 1) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

            // Delete old files
            unlink("/uploads/$username/images/banner/" . $row['bannerORIGINAL']); //delete OLD source file
            unlink("/uploads/$username/images/banner/thumbs/" . $row['bannerTHUMB']); //delete OLD thumbnail file

        // Update/create record with new images
        if ($numResults == 1) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `agent_settings` (`agent_id`, `bannerORIGINAL`, `bannerTHUMB`) VALUES ({$user_id}, '/uploads/$username/images/banner/$filename', '/uploads/$username/images/banner/thumbs/$filename')";
        } else {
            $sql = "UPDATE `agent_settings` SET `bannerORIGINAL`='/uploads/$username/images/banner/$filename', `bannerTHUMB`='/uploads/$username/images/banner/thumbs/$filename' WHERE (`agent_id`={$user_id})";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        if (!$result) {
            unlink("/uploads/$username/images/banner/$filename"); //cleanup: delete source file
            unlink("/uploads/$username/images/banner/thumbs/$filename"); //cleanup: delete thumbnail file
            die("<div><b>Error: Problem occurred with Database Query!</b><br /><br /><b>File:</b> " . __FILE__ . "<br /><b>Line:</b> " . __LINE__ . "<br /><b>MySQL Error Num:</b> " . mysql_errno() . "<br /><b>MySQL Error:</b> " . mysql_error() . "</div>");

    // Print success message and how the thumbnail image created
    if (empty($errors)) {
        echo "<p>Thumbnail created Successfully!</p>\n";
        echo "<img src=\"/uploads/$username/images/banner/thumbs/$filename\" alt=\"New image thumbnail\" />\n";
        echo "<br />\n";

I get the following errors:

Warning: move_uploaded_file(./uploads/saiyanz2k/images/banner/azumanga-wall.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /services7/webpages/util/s/a/saiya.site.aplus.net/helixagent.com/public/upload2.php on line 112 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/services/webdata/phpupload/phpVoIEQj' to './uploads/saiyanz2k/images/banner/azumanga-wall.jpg' in /services7/webpages/util/s/a/saiya.site.aplus.net/helixagent.com/public/upload2.php on line 112

One way is to check from within your code whether a certain command/function is available for use. You can use the function_exists function for that eg:

if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set'))
  echo 'date_default_timezone_set is not supported....';

Ahh! I'm sorry, didn't mean to vent my frustration on you guys. But I have been at this for hours now it seems.

Like i mentioned this code works but since my server is picky I can't user the 5.3 syntax I coded. This is my attempt to make it work on the 5.0 php my server has.

In particular I think there is something wrong with the mkdir() and the unlink() functions.

if you go to www.helixagent.com log in with test/test then in the url go to /upload2.php then you will see the errors its throwing at me.

well, it works perfect if i use 5.3 and DIR but since I'm on 5.0 i tried a different method

the errors i get are

Warning: move_uploaded_file(./uploads/saiyanz2k/images/banner/azumanga-wall.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /services7/webpages/util/s/a/saiya.site.aplus.net/helixagent.com/public/upload2.php on line 112

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/services/webdata/phpupload/phpVoIEQj' to './uploads/saiyanz2k/images/banner/azumanga-wall.jpg' in /services7/webpages/util/s/a/saiya.site.aplus.net/helixagent.com/public/upload2.php on line 112

It looks like you don't have access to the folder (or file)


which could be because of a basedir restriction on the host (e.g. you may not leve the parent directory /services/webdata/) or just a missing permission in the os.

Try to (temporary) set permission of /uploads/ to 777 or execute the script from console to see if you have a basedir restriction.

Take a closer look at the paths in the error messages:


The destination is a relative path, most likely relative to upload2.php's directory. The one relative path I see is the line:

        // Take directory and break it down into folders
        $dir = "uploads\\{$username}\\images\\banner\\thumbs";

Which should probably be:

        // Take directory and break it down into folders
        $dir = "\\uploads\\{$username}\\images\\banner\\thumbs";

Actually, it should be

        $dir = "/uploads/{$username}/images/banner/thumbs";

since PHP supports using a forward slash as directory separator on all platforms, while the backslash is only supported on MS platforms.





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