
same logged in user assigned different session ids (in different browsers)

I've implemented a mysql-based session interface in php. I just found out that if I log in to my account using browser A (e.g. Chrome), and then I log in to the same account in another browser B (e.g. IE), each browser is assigned 2 separate session ids. How can I make it such that when I log in again using browser B, I retain the a开发者_开发知识库ctive session of the previous browser A?

The issue at hand is that I'm storing certain information in the session and the data not being synchronised between the same users in different browsers and is wrecking havoc. :S

Is there a way to achieve this?


If you're storing the session in the database, add a mechanism whereby the userId is stored as part of your database's session record, creating what I like to call a "semantic session". When the user logs in, check to see if another session already exists; if so, use session_id() to fixate the new session to the old session's ID, which will join them (and should change your new session's ID for all subsequent requests). Be sure to only perform this action during the login step, or you might end up with freaky race conditions of two sessions trying to be each other and "swapping".

Don't store the data in session, store it in the database.

Sessions are normally identified by cookies, which are only visible in one browser. You could probably use Flash to share the session ID between browsers, but I cannot think of a use case. The point of the session is to store data which is bound to a single browsing session, and not to the user in general. You should use a database or some other form of server-side storage for generic user data.





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