
Migration of asp to asp.net(c#.net)

I've a website developed in classic asp. Now I wan开发者_运维问答t to convert it to asp.net(2.0 or above).

How can I do it without coding from scratch?

Can you suggest a free or cheap tool to do the work?

In my experience when you switch platforms like this you are basically doing a full rewrite. Any conversion tools that you find will end up producing code that 1) probably doesn't fully work, and 2) is messy code in the destination language that will be hard to maintain.

Then of course there is the bigger problem: you most likely want an entirely different architecture in ASP.NET versus what you had in ASP. Better to revisit the requirements of the application, think about the architecture and design, and reimplement. Use the source code as a guide for how certain pieces work, but don't do a pure conversion.

I don't think there is any good news here. Automatically translating ASP code to ASP.NET will require a lot of busywork. Perhaps you can farm out to an offshore developer who can do this gruntwork for you?

Rename all the pages to .aspx (or of cource configure iis to use .net to process .asp pages). Classic asp runs fine in .net. Now start one page at a time and change only the stuff that actually benifits from being asp.net. Just an option. I'm just saying.

Using asp to asp.net migration assistant we can do it. I could convert my asp project to asp.net 1.x using asp to asp.net migration assistant.

But there were a few run time errors as well as DB connecting problems after the conversion.........

System Requirements Supported Operating System Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows XP Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package

as per http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=18312





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