
Google App Engine - Document Editor Creation/Tap Into Google Docs?

What is the best way to create a custom document editor in GAE? I'm making a website meant for a School Robotics Club (With support for any other organization - DRY).

We currently use Google services for online collaboration, I'm wondering if there is a way to tap into Google Docs and allow users to edit a Google Document wi开发者_JAVA技巧thout using Google Accounts or the Google Docs [EDIT]interface website[/EDIT].

If that is not possible (I've researched and I don't think it is), what is the best way to make a document editor? I want it completely on the website I'm creating, so I'm assuming just some javascript editor like TinyMCE + Ajax + Datastore. Is their anything that replicates Google Doc's/Microsoft Offices's/OpenOffice.org's feature set as far as fonts, spacing, alignment, justification, etc.?

That depends on what you mean by 'use' - if you don't want Google Accounts, or the editor, it's hard to see what's left. You can use the document list data API to upload, download, and convert docs.

It sounds to me like you want to use the Google Docs editor like a widget within your application. To the best of my knowledge you can't do this.





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