
Minimalist Wiki like script

I'm trying to find a simple wiki like script to setup a personal directory, browser favorites simply doesn't do anymore and i have lots of small files on my flash drive

Desired features

Thanks in advance

Google Sites functions as a Wiki, and you don't have to make your site public. You can upload files, but there's a 100MB limit for a site. The big advantage here (IMO) is the fact that you don't have to worry about setting up hosting at all.

It has a WYSIWYG editor, so that's a minus if you're really into some particular Wiki syntax, I guess.

Another (non-hosted) option would be TiddlyWiki, which is completely implemented in Javascript and meant to be used on a USB drive, primarily.

I recommend Dokuwiki. Uses text files instead of a database.

A couple of people have recommended Tiddlywiki. I've used it for a simple wiki setup... It's nice, fast, and easy.

You mentioned the need for web-access... Tiddlywiki combined with TiddlyHome is what I use for a simple, single-html-page wiki, which can be used both offline and online...

Another possibility is to use one of the new saving options listed at https://tiddlywiki.com/#Saving, including a Node.js or PHP server, or Google Drive/Dropbox/WebDAV (Sharepoint) integration.

I think this could help you find one that suits your needs: http://www.wikimatrix.org/

I found also this nice script: Hatta

Checkout LionWiki - http://lionwiki.0o.cz

It works from just one file and it's dead simple.

Here's one:

<?php function p($c){$r=preg_replace(array("~^ +([^\n]+)~m",'~^-\s+(.*)$~m',
'<hr>','<a href=$1://$2>$2</a>','<br>'),$c);preg_match_all('~([A-Z]\w+){2,}~',$r,
$x);foreach(array_unique($x[0])as$m){$r=str_replace($m,x($m)? "<a href=?$m>$m</a>":
"$m<a href=?e=$m>?</a>",$r);}return$r;}function f($f){@mkdir('wik');return
@file_get_contents("wik/$f.w");}function b($b){echo"<h1><a href=?$b>Backlinks $b"
."</a></h1><div id=c>";foreach(glob('wik/*.w')as$f){$f=substr($f,4,-2);if(strpos(
f($f),$b)!==false)echo"<a href=?$f>$f</a><br>";}echo"</div>";}function x($f){
return file_exists("wik/$f.w");}function e($p){$p=$p?$p:$_GET['e'];echo"<h1>Edit"
." $p</h1><form action='?$p' method=post><textarea name=c cols=50 rows=10>".f($p)
."</textarea><br><input type=submit value=Save>";}$p=preg_replace('~(e|b)=(.*)~'
"Location: ?$p");}echo"<title>Wik Wiki</title>";if(!$e){if(!$b){echo x($p)?
"<h1><a href=?b=$p>$p</a></h1><div id=c>".p(f($p))."</div><hr><a href=?e=$p>"
."Edit</a> | <small>Modified: ".date('d.m.Y @ H:i:s', @filemtime("wik/$p.w"))
:e($p);}else b($b);}else e($e);

It's from http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikWiki. It doesn't have file upload but you should be able to add it without bloating. I've used it as a private notepad and it works well, you just have to make sure the web server has write permissions on the wik directory





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