
How to load file into javascript

I have an HTML table that should be updated according the file that u开发者_高级运维ser uploads. In other words, I would like user to be able to upload a file, and change the contents of the table according to file content. The file size can be several MB. What are my options ? Do I must to upload the file to a server, or it can be done in client side ? Thanks !

No, you cannot manipulate files on the client side. Unless you convince the user to turn off security for your application.

You can upload the file in pre-determined XML format and then bind HTML table to XML data island.

See this example: http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/xmlisland.html

Although, I'm not sure if this technique works with Chrome.

The only way you could do this would be to upload the file to the server, process the file there and then return a set of values which need to be inserted into your page.





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