
Passing List of Strings or Array of strings into Unity Injection Constructor (Config-Based)

I cannot seem to get unity working when attempting to pass in an array of strings into a constructor parameter list, while using XML configuration.

When I try the following:

<typeConfig ...>
  <constructor ...>
    <param ... parameterType="System.String[]">

for a c'tor which looks like this开发者_JAVA百科:

void Foo(string[] inputParams_){ ... }

It always fails in Unity's FindConstructor(...) method stating that it cannot find a c'tor mathcing the parameter type of String.String

Does anyone know how to pass an array of stings successfully into this type of c'tor? If not, how can I do so with a list of strings, if the c'tor were to accept an IList?


You don't need the attribute 'parameterType' for the element 'param'

This will work:

      <param name="eventsDefinitions">
          <value value="PhaseLoss"/>
          <value value="DCRC" />
          <value value="PhaseRotation" />

Typically I prefer to configure Unity in code, so I may not be that helpful if config is a must. But ....

Typically I'd use a ConstructorInjector during registration:

container.Configure() .ConfigureInjectionFor(new InjectionConstructor([value]))

But according to: Can I pass constructor parameters to Unity's Resolve() method?

Unity 2 should now also includes the ability to pass parameters into the constructor dynamically during resolution:

"container.Resolve(new ParameterOverrides { { "name", "bar" }, { "address", 42 } });"

Maybe you will have to fully qualify the type name:

System.String[], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089

Optionally, you may drop the version if you don't care/know.





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