
Determine if a url matches a Route, and pull out the terms if it does

I'开发者_如何学Pythonve got a big old log file I'm trying to break down in terms of routes.

Essentially, I'm getting input of a path (/questions/31415 for example) and a list of all the registered Routes. What I want out is a Route and the parameters specified in the route (so in, /questions/{id}/{answer} I'd get id and answers out).

I've got a working solution that basically generates a nasty bit of regex on the fly with named groups to do matching and parsing all-in-one. My gut tells me this is a brittle way to do it, and frankly there has to be a better way, right?

I know this is an old question, but on the off chance someone else gets here via Google, I asked and answered my own question on this same subject here.

Would the Routing Debugger help? Comes with sample code too.


This is very similar to the PathParameterFilter often used with spring/REST. I don't have a link to the source any more, but it has the regular expressions you need to pull things out. http://www.carbonfive.com/community/archives/2007/06/parameterized_rest_urls_with_spring_mvc.html





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