
Javascript: previous property is undefined

Why is it saying that "lbp is undefined" on the line of "creditText"? How do I refer to previous properties in a config file such as this?

var lbp = {

    // Pertinant page properties, such as Author, Keywords, URL or Title
    page: {
        theURL: window.location.toString(),

    // Configurable user defaults
    defaults: {
        creditText: lbp.page.theURL

Thanks in advance开发者_开发百科 for your help

You don't. lbp won't exist in the current scope's symbol table until the object is closed out.

var lbp = {
    // Pertinant page properties, such as Author, Keywords, URL or Title
    page: {
        theURL: window.location.toString(),
}; // NOW you can reference lbp by name

lbp.defaults = {
  creditText: lbp.page.theURL

You just can't, your lbp variable is not defined since the last parenthesis of the declaration is closed.

I would guess that the contents of the object you are defining are being interpreted before the value is assigned to the lbp variable. I don't think there's any way to do what you want without assigning the values in a separate instruction.

var lbp = {};
// Pertinant page properties, such as Author, Keywords, URL or Title
lbp.page = { theURL: window.location.toString() };
// Configurable user defaults
lbp.defaults = { creditText: lbp.page.theURL };




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