
Cannot executing a SQL query through ODP.NET - invalid character error

I'm trying to execute a SQL query through ODP.NET to create a table, but I always get an ORA-00911 'invalid character' error. The Errors object in the exception always has the text "ORA-00911: invalid character\n", even if there are no linebreaks in the SQL query itself.

The code I'm executing the SQL is this:

using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(<connection string>) {
using (OracleCommand command = conn.CreateCommand()) {
    command.CommandText = queryString;

    command.ExecuteNonQuer开发者_StackOverflowy();         // exception always gets thrown here

queryString contains a single CREATE TABLE statement, which works fine when executed through SQL Developer

EDIT: the SQL I am executing is this:

  "COL1" NUMBER(*,0) NULL,

with linebreaks removed

Other people have come across this issue - ODP.NET does not support multiple SQL statements in a text command. The solution is to wrap it in a PL/SQL block with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE around each statement. This lack of support for ; seems incredibly boneheaded to me, and has not improved my opinion of the oracle development team.

Furthermore, this seems to be an issue with oracle itself, as I have the same problems with the MS and ODBC oracle clients.

I had this issue for some reason you have to have code on one line. I had strSQL = "stuff" + " more stuff" I had to put it on one line. strSQL = "stuff more stuff"

It some how reads the cr/lf.

Wrap your sql in a Begin block.

Dim sqlInsert As String = ""
For i = 1 To 10
    sqlInsert += "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE (COUNT) VALUES (" & i & "); "

Call ExecuteSql("BEGIN " & sqlInsert & " END;")

Your quotes are OK (it just forces Oracle to treat your object names as case sensitive i.e. upper case the way you've written it) but I'm not at all sure you're allowed to define NUMBER that way with a *.

I wonder if it is the "*" in the sql have you tried the call without an * in the create? I bet it is yet another "feature" of the ODP.Net driver





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