Android USB Functions?
Are there any USB functions for Android devices (all user devices, not rooted)?
I'm curious because I might want to make an app that puts开发者_开发知识库 things through USBShort answers are no and people are gagging for it, but depending on what you intend to do, the Android bluetooth implementation is much simpler. (and you can treat Bluetooth as a basic serial connection if so inclined)
I know that this is rather an old question but I thought I'd add an answer representing current state given that it still shows up in searches.
Since API level 12 USB support has been added to the platform. It however a bit of a minefield as to whether a given device actually supports USB host mode and exactly what that means.
More details can be found on the Google Android documentation pages
Yes like Neil said you can try and use the Host API's. Otherwise you can use the Accessory Development Toolkit: