How to retrive distinct month/year values from a table using LINQ to SQL [closed]
In a blog engine system I need to show all Month/Year pair values which we have blog posts in (e.g. January 2009, February 2009, ...)
Is it possible in LINQ to SQL?
This will get the groupings. dates will be an IEnumerable of anonymous object that have a property "Month" and "Year".
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo provider = new System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo();
SODataContext cnx = new SODataContext();
var dates = from item in cnx.Projects
group item by new { item.DateColumn.Value.Year, item.DateColumn.Value.Month } into grouping
select new { Month = provider.GetMonthName(grouping.Key.Month), grouping.Key.Year};