
Trouble getting NSString from NSDictionary key into UILabel

I'm attempting to put the value associated with the key called "duration" into 开发者_如何学编程a UILabel but I'm getting a blank or "(null)" result showing up in the UILabel.

My NSDictionary object with its keys seems to be logging as being full of the data and keys I think I want, as such:

The contents of this RecordingsStats are :

     "12:48:25 AM, April 25" = {
          FILEPATH = "/Users/brian/Library/Application  Support/iPhone  Simulator/3.1.3/Applications/97256A91-FC47-4353-AD01-15CD494060DD/Documents/12:48:25 AM, April 25.aif";  
    duration = "00:04"; 

applesCountString = 0;

...and so on.

Here's the code where I'm trying to put the NSString into the UILabel:

cell.durationLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[thisRecordingsStats objectForKey:@"duration"]];

I've also tried these other permutations:

cell.durationLabel.text = [thisRecordingsStats objectForKey:@"duration"];

and I've also tried this tag-based approach:

label = (UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:8];
 label.text = [[thisRecordingsStats objectForKey:@"duration"] objectAtIndex:1];


UILabel *label;
        label = (UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:8];
         label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[[thisRecordingsStats objectForKey:@"duration"] objectAtIndex:1]];

I've also tried creating a string from the key's paired value and see a "(null)" value or blankness using that too.

What am I missing? I assume it's something with the formatting of the string. Thanks for looking!!

I might be jumping the gun a bit but from the look of your log output your NSDictionary is set out as having "12:48:25 AM, April 25" as the key, with another NSDictionary as its value.


"12:48:25 AM, April 25" => NSDictionary (
                              FILEPATH => (value)
                              duration => @"00:04"


What you need to do is: -

NSDictionary *stats = [thisRecordingsStats objectForKey:@"12:48:25 AM, April 25"];
cell.durationLabel.text = [stats objectForKey:@"duration"];




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