
GlassFish Security Realm, Active Directory and Referral

I've setup up a Security Realm in Glassfish to authenticate against an Active Directory server. The configuration of the realm is as follows开发者_开发问答:

Class Name: com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.ldap.LDAPRealm
JAAS context:  ldapRealm
Directory: ldap://
Base DN:  dc=smallbusiness,dc=local
search-filter: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))
group-search-filter: (&(objectClass=group)(member=%d))
search-bind-dn: cN=Administrator,CN=Users,dc=smallbusiness,dc=local
search-bind-password: abcd1234!

The realm is functional and I can log-in, but when ever I log in I get the following error in the log:

SEC1106: Error during LDAP search with filter [(&(objectClass=group)(member=CN=Administrator,CN=Users,dc=smallbusiness,dc=local))].
SEC1000: Caught exception.
    javax.naming.PartialResultException: Unprocessed Continuation Reference(s); remaining name 'dc=smallbusiness,dc=local'
        at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(LdapCtx.java:2820)

While searching for a solution I found that it was recommended to add java.naming.referral=follow to the properties of the realm. However, after I add this it takes 20 minutes for GlassFish to authenticate against Active Directory. I suspect it is a DNS problem on the Active Directory server. The Active Directory server is a vanilla Windows Server 2003 setup in a Virtual Machine.

Any help/recommendation is highly appreciated!

This is the configuration I use in my domain.xml file, it might be of some interrest to you :

<auth-realm classname="com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.ldap.LDAPRealm" name="ldapRealm"> 
      <property name="search-bind-password" value="Demodemo01"/> 
      <property name="search-bind-dn" value="Administrator"/> 
      <property name="search-filter" value="(&amp;(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))"/> 
      <property name="group-search-filter" value="(&amp;(objectClass=group)(member=%d))"/> 
      <property name="jaas-context" value="ldapRealm"/> 
      <property name="base-dn" value="CN=Users,DC=saierp,DC=net"/> 
      <property name="directory" value="ldap://"/> 

Specially, make sure to add the userAccountControl to your filter, otherwise, disabled accounts in AD will be allowed to connect.

This was maddening trying to solve this... Glassfish 3.0.1 trying to connect with Windows, and getting the above error.

I'm not a Windows or LDAP whiz at all... but finally found this:


And the very last line is the key: use the "Global Catalog Port" - instead of 389, it is 3268 by default. And the exception disappears.


Who cares?

(well, ok, I'm going to read about it now.)

Hopefully, you've resolved this, but just in case:

  1. I used 'objectCategory' in place of 'objectClass' as I read the former are indexed, hence faster.

  2. I had to add this property:

    property name="assign-groups" value="Domain Users"

where "Domain Users" is the group in AD that all of our users are placed into. This must match the value in sun-web.xml for security-role-mapping.

Later, I was able to create a specific group for this application and make the appropriate changes.





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