
Get Value from thick box control

I have hidden field on thick box, when I close thick I need to开发者_如何学运维 get the value of my hidden field, when close thick box this method calls

function tb_remove(parent_func_callback) {
parent.document.getElementById('hdf').value// I need value of hidden field here

please tell me how can I get hidden field value that is on thick box?

e.g I have page abc, I click on heyperlink from page abc, then page xyz open as thick box, on xyz thickbox I have hidden field name hdf, now I click on close button of thick box, tb_remove is called that's in thickbox.js file, I need to get the value of hdf here in js file to use in abc page.


Well if I understand the question correctly, 'hdf' is the ID of the hidden field, so this will get you the value then... If I have misunderstood let me know.

I assume by thick box you mean you want to get a control inside an iframe or something similiar... here's how.

var hdfVal = $('#myIFrameID').contents().find('#hdf').val();

Or simply, just need to get a value of a control by ID...

var hdfVal = $('#hdf').val();




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